Acne Therapy Dallas

From adolescent break-outs to cystic acne, adult acne to acne rosacea, these conditions can be very clinically and emotionally challenging.
However, over the last decade refinements in treatments and new techniques have led to significant improvements. Under the experienced care of Dr. Bassichis and his medical aesthetic staff, we can customize in-office and at-home regimens to treat your specific acne. Using the latest generations of medications, topical skincare, skin treatments and technologies, we utilize an effective combination approach to achieve benefit for patients with mild, moderate, and even severe cystic or scarred acne.
Some of the treatments that ADVANCED can prescribe in your customized regimen include:
High Intensity Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), is designed to kill the bacteria responsible for acne and shrink the oil glands. As well, PDT can help with acne scars. Our high-tech Photodynamic acne treatment involves the application of a photosensitizing agent which is then activated with blue light. Blue-light PDT treats the bacteria that trigger acne, unclogs pores, and shuts down the sebaceous glands in the skin resulting in significant improvement in moderate to severe cystic acne. PDT can even work in patients who have failed accutane, without the toxic side effects of accutane.
Microdermabrasion is a superficial skin polishing procedure using microcrystals which are vacuumed over your skin’s surface to remove damaged skin cells. These gentle treatments can provide noticeable improvement in acne. The treatments are progressive and are applied through a course of weekly sessions.
Customized Medical Topical Skin Care – ADVANCED’s medical aestheticians and physician can customize an at-home treatment plan including cleansers, serums and crèmes for the most advanced and effective therapy for your acne. A combination of prescription and non-prescription treatments can be designed for the most effective protocol for you. In addition, topical antioxidant regimens can be initiated to improve skin texture and quality as well as protect the skin from damage.
Chemical Peels use custom design chemical solutions including salicylic acids and other peeling agents to remove the fine outer layers of the skin. The solutions are available in several strengths, depending on the degree of peeling desired. Healing can take from three days to three weeks. A new, smoother layer of skin is then formed.
Photofacials are non-ablative pulsed light treatments (IPL) which can provide significant benefit and decrease in redness in patients with acne rosacea. Photofacials do not require anesthesia and there is no downtime. A series of about five treatments is recommended. The improvement is gradual and continues to improve even after the treatment stops.
Medical Facials combines deep steam treatments and extractions to achieve deep cleansing and exfoliation. Our Medical Facials treat oily, dry, dehydrated, acne and acne prone skin conditions. A Medical Facial can gently soften the skin and loosens the dead skin cells without dehydrating the skin. Medical Facials are an excellent way to achieve and maintain good skin health and radiance.
Facial fillers such as Restylane, Perlane or Juvederm, are excellent treatments to recontour shallow and deep acne scars. These fillers can be injected into the area of the scar, smoothing depressions. Results are immediately apparent, but do require touch-up treatments over time.
Fractionated CO2 Laser Resurfacing provides a deeper level of skin resurfacing to help eliminate acne scars and skin damage. Dr. Bassichis uses the state-of-the-art Fractionated CO2 Resurfacing laser to resurface the damaged or acne-scarred skin and reveal the smooth, fresh skin underneath. Treatment can be administered locally for specific scars or to achieve full face rejuvenataion. Laser scar treatments can be performed with local anesthesia if limited areas are treated, while full face resurfacing is usually performed with the administration of intravenous sedation by our anesthesiologist.
At the ADVANCED FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY CENTER, Dr. Bassichis and our medical staff look forward to the opportunity to take care of your acne with a customized plan designed exclusively for you.