Neck Lift Dallas

Close Up of Female Models Neck

Time, sun exposure, and gravity may cause our neck and lower face to show signs of aging including sagging and loss of contour, jowl formation, neck thickening, and neck muscles can weaken and become band-like. These “turkey neck” changes can make some individuals feel self-conscious about their appearance and appear heavier and older than they actually are. In some people, the neck can age before the face, causing disparity between the appearances of the face and neck.

Specializing exclusively in facial surgery, our Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Bassichis is renowned for his skilled experience in facial rejuvenation surgeries with healthy natural outcomes. A neck lift may be an excellent option to correct excess skin in the neck, excess neck fat, and/or muscle banding. Neck lifts are often performed in conjunction with a facelift, although they can be effectively performed alone as well. Based on your individual needs, Dr. Bassichis will customize your neck lift surgery to specifically address your anatomy as well as your desired changes. Minimally invasive endoscopic techniques may be used to remove excess fat and tighten muscles of the neck. Other procedures for more dramatic rejuvenation of the neck entail the removal of excess fat and skin with tightening and repositioning of the neck muscles. After neck lift surgery, a rejuvenated, more contoured neckline and jawline is revealed. Procedures such as neck liposuction, fractionated CO2 Laser resurfacing or a chin implant may also be performed to further enhance the appearance of the neck and optimize your aesthetic outcomes from neck lift surgery.

It would be our pleasure to answer all your questions about neck rejuvenation at your complimentary consultation with our double board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Benjamin Bassichis.

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Patient 1 Neck Lift Before and After
Woman with Smooth Face Showing Potential Benefits of Facelift

Turn back the hands of time.

Rejuvenate your whole face and look years younger.

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Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Dallas, TX

Disclaimer: Some images used throughout the website are of stock models and are used for illustrative purposes only. Before and after case photos are of actual patients. Individual results may vary.

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Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center
14755 Preston Road Ste 110 Dallas Texas, 75254