Self Tanner Smarts

Do you love self tanner? Here at ADVANCED we actually have a love-hate relationship with the stuff.
Yes, sunless tanners are the ultimate healthy alternative to baking on a lounge chair by the pool sans sunscreen (horror) or indoor tanning beds (horror of horrors!), but many studies indicate that people who use self-tanners may still be unhealthy about skin protection.
According to a recent study, experts are concerned that self tanners may significantly undermine how people view the dangers of tanning. In other words, when their skin gets a little brown from self-tanner, they may be more apt to go outside without sunscreen.
Since self-tanners do not provide any sun protection, this is a significant problem. In fact, in a major study conducted by the Archives of Dermatology, researchers found that those who used sunless tanning products were more likely to also frequent tanning salons. In other words, tanning breeds more tanning–of all kinds, healthy or not. So please avoid the sun and tanning bed, but if you want to enjoy a sunless tan, please promise to wear sunscreen too. Now that would be a healthy tan.
Final Thought: the incidence of skin cancer is rising at an alarming rate. And a primary cause of skin cancers…ultraviolet (a.k.a. sun) exposure. Therefore UV avoidance and good sunscreen—specifically a broad-spectrum UVA and UVB, water-resistant formula with a minimum SPF 30 applied every day (even on cloudy days)—are the top things you can do to prevent skin cancer.

Beautifully yours,
Drs. Michelle and Benjamin Bassichis

Benjamin Bassichis MD FACS is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon in Dallas, Texas specializing exclusively in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the face. To learn more about Dr. Bassichis’ plastic surgery procedures please call (972) 774-1777 to schedule your consultation.

Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Dallas, TX

Disclaimer: Some images used throughout the website are of stock models and are used for illustrative purposes only. Before and after case photos are of actual patients. Individual results may vary.

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Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center
14755 Preston Road Ste 110 Dallas Texas, 75254