Anti-Aging Cuisine

Beauty starts on the inside. While cosmetic procedures and treatments can take years off of your appearance, upholding a healthy diet is key to maintaining a youthful appearance. These popular anti-aging foods have gotten the attention of many researchers for their nutritional contents, and may help slow the aging process. Consider increasing the effectiveness of your cosmetic treatment’s results starting with your diet including these healthy suggestions:

Berries– Blueberries in particular, but also cranberries, raspberries and blackberries are highly recommended for healthy aging. These tiny superfoods are packed with healthy antioxidants as well as flavor. Antioxidants protect our bodies against disease and aging factors. Berries are also helpful to maintain short-term memory. They’re loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients, low in calories, and high in water and fiber to help control blood sugar and keep you full longer. And their flavors satisfy sweets cravings for a fraction of the calories in baked goods. Blueberries lead the pack because they are among the best source of antioxidants and are widely available. Cranberries are also widely available fresh, frozen, or dried. All can add flavor and nutrition to numerous dishes, from salads and cereals to baked goods and yogurt. Berries pack an incredible amount of nutritional goodness into a small package. Enjoy liberally!

Red Wine– While Dr. Bassichis does not recommend drinking alcohol excessively, there are properties in red wine that research studies show are effective in maintaining a youthful appearance. Red wine not only contains flavonoids, the antioxidant prominent in acai berry and common in other dark berries such as red grapes and blueberries, red wine contains a nonflavonoid called reservatol. Studies show that reservatol may help prevent clogged arteries. For you, this means improved circulation and stimulating a healthy blood flow to the face to create a natural, radiant glow. Cheers.

Parsley– A couple tablespoons of parsley can supply up to 150% of your daily recommendation of vitamin K. This vitamin not only helps absorb calcium to maintain strong bones, it is also effective in preventing and minimizing dark under eye circles. Vitamin K is resistant to absorption so it is recommended that you obtain it through fresh foods. Parsley is also a great source of Vitamin C – another fabulous and delicious antioxidant. Have you ever tried the wonderful Mediterranean dish called Tabbouli?

Avocado – The popular food is rich in monosaturated fats and many vitamins including vitamin C and vitamin E.  Avocado was once advised against because it was accused of being a fatty vegetable. In recent years, studies have shown that it’s a “good” kind of fat. In fact, monosaturated fats such as those found in avocado can actually help lower cholesterol. Vitamin E may be one of the most essential vitamins to beauty. It promotes healthy hair, skin, and nail growth. It acts as an anti-oxidant protecting the body against free radicals.  Vitamin C, more popularly associated with boosting the immune system, also acts as an anti-oxidant and helps build collagen to promote a youthful appearance of the skin. Vitamin C is particularly helpful after a cosmetic procedure because it promotes healing and rebuilds healthy tissues. Gorgeous guacamole!

Salmon –  is a super food because of its omega-3 fatty acid content. Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids help protect heart health. That’s why the American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish like salmon twice weekly. Salmon is low in calories (200 for 3 ounces) has lots of protein, is a good source of iron, and is very low in saturated fat. Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit certain molecules that lead to inflammation and resulting skin problems. They also support the normal healthy skin cell turnover that helps keep acne and wrinkles at bay. Dr. Bassichis enjoys his Salmon grilled with lots of fresh lemon (and perhaps a glass of the red wine mentioned above!).

Water – Water helps hydrate your body and leads to plump, healthy skin. Adequate hydration helps flush out toxins that can cause skin problems. It is also essential for skin metabolism and regeneration.   The old adage of 8 cups a day holds true –  and beautiful.

Enjoy and Be Healthy!

Beautifully (and deliciously) yours,
Drs. Michelle and Benjamin Bassichis

Benjamin Bassichis MD FACS is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon in Dallas, Texas specializing exclusively in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the face. To learn more about Dr. Bassichis’ plastic surgery procedures please call 972.774.1777 to schedule your consultation.

Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Dallas, TX

Disclaimer: Some images used throughout the website are of stock models and are used for illustrative purposes only. Before and after case photos are of actual patients. Individual results may vary.

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Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center
14755 Preston Road Ste 110 Dallas Texas, 75254