Smoking and Plastic Surgery do NOT Mix

Did you know that the risks of surgery are significantly greater for smokers? Being that the majority of surgeries that we perform are ELECTIVE COSMETIC surgeries, we wanted to use this months blog to urge our patients not only not to smoke when they are having a procedure but in general NOT TO SMOKE EVER. But with regarding your elective surgery – do not CHOOSE to place your life at risk over smoking.

Surgical patients who are currently smoking, use tobacco products, or nicotine products (patch, gum, or nasal spray) are at a greater risk for significant surgical complications including but not limited to bad scarring, necrosis, hematoma formation, intraoperative bleeding, poor or delayed healing, hair loss, sloughing of skin (skin loss), infection, increased or prolonged bruising, and hyperpigmentation.   Individuals exposed to second-hand smoke are also at potential risk for similar complications attributable to nicotine exposure. Additionally, smoking may have a significant negative effect on anesthesia and recovery from anesthesia with subsequent severe complications, injury, and even death. Yes, people, I said Death.

In addition, while it has been excessively discussed by physicians and media everywhere now that we have your attention we will provide an incomplete list of the toxic and deadly other effects of smoking including: stroke; macular degeneration of the eyes; cataracts; thyroid disease; wrinkles and premature aging; stained teeth; cancer of the lips, mouth, throat, larynx, or esophagus, peripheral vascular disease; heart disease and heart attack; lung cancer; emphysema; asthma; liver cancer; aortic aneurysm; kidney and bladder cancer; osteoporosis; infertility; cervical cancer; leukemia; premature birth; weakened immune system; risks to fetuses and more.

As if the wrinkles weren’t enough.

Please be healthy and beautiful – and don’t smoke. Our Surgical Care Coordinator can recommend physicians to assist you with your success in quitting smoking today.

Beautifully (and Smoke-free) yours,

Drs. Michelle and Benjamin Bassichis

Benjamin Bassichis MD FACS is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon in Dallas, Texas specializing exclusively in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the face. To learn more about Dr. Bassichis’ plastic surgery procedures please call 972.774.1777 to schedule your consultation.

Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Dallas, TX

Disclaimer: Some images used throughout the website are of stock models and are used for illustrative purposes only. Before and after case photos are of actual patients. Individual results may vary.

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Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery Center
14755 Preston Road Ste 110 Dallas Texas, 75254